My Snowy White Valentine

While snowy white storms have merely dusted Chicago this winter, that hasn’t kept the sky clear of Snowy Owls. The majestic birds caused a mama mia stir when they made Montrose Harbor a new pit stop in Illinois. Typically, Snowys stay to the north, but the a lack of food up there has sent them farther south to Chicago hoods in search of rats and other delectables. Here they have found a basin of dry landscape running rabid with their favorite meals and restaurants.This is bad news for any rodents that will end up as favorites on the owl’s menu. Check please!

@ 2011 Rick Remington

I guess I should feel grateful to the Snowy Owls who seem to like Chicago so much. I’m not much of a fan of varmints! When I see a rodent, a visible and audible change occurs. Simply put, I loose my smooth jazz cool. I sort of needed therapy about the issue, but that’s quite another story.

I should pack up some gifts of gratitude for those owls. They deserve a pat on their cute heads, just like any other do-gooder. It’s Valentines Day and I should dash out to Montrose Harbor where the owls have their hang out. I could bring them a thoughtful basket of food … classic Chicago hot dogs and tootsie pops! Sort of like a welcome to new neighbors.

Except that would be crazy and even a lie. I don’t love those owls any more than I’d love my husband’s mistress (if he had one). You see, I’m the victim of a cruel love triangle. Greg can’t stop talking about those stupid, beautiful owls. Really, I can’t blame him … they are fascinating, and moving to watch. Looks like I need to get over myself. This is hard.

He showed me some pictures of a Peregrine Falcon attacking one of the poor owls.

“Why is that happening? Can’t that owl take down the hawk?” I ask.

“Oh hawks and owls always fight,” says Greg.

“That owl looks like a puppet. It needs to kung-fu kick some ass,” I say.

“I don’t think the owl knows kung-fu, but trust me, the owl would win this fight,” says Greg.

“I think the owl looks scared, ” I say. Next Greg gives me the “leave” look and I’m off to obsessing on LinkedIn and stuff.

Now those photos are being ogled by birders all over the world. I dare say they are more popular than Lindsay Lohan in Playboy Magazine. These owls keep getting more lovers every day. Can you feel the love?

Sure it’s Valentines Day, we may pop a bottle of champagne and eat some fondue. However, I fully realize he will be thinking of the flock of Snowys that have tugged his heart this winter. Really, I can’t blame him. Maybe I’ll wear something with feathers! Or, maybe we’ll be real geeks and have our own little picnic at the Harbor with them.